Flowers are very useful both for the decoration of our home and for our mental health.
If you want the plants you grow in your home to grow healthy, you need to take care to use suitable planters for them.
In this article, we will give you small ideas to make your own planters that will both suit the decoration of your home and help your plants grow healthy.
Yogurt Containers
This project involves making small planters from yogurt containers. This is probably the easiest project ever, because involves a simple plastic food container which is thrown away as soon as is empty. To make it look special, spray paint it or apply models on it and let it dry, then simply plant your herbs. That’s it!
Book planters
These homemade book planters look beautiful and if you want to make some of your own this is what you’ll have to do. Find some old books and cut a hole in which you will later fit a plastic sheet to prevent any water and dirt to deteriorate the rest of the book. After that , take out the plants from their original planter and place them into the book. Trim the extra plastic and clean the newly created planter. And here your artwork is ready. Don't forget to reserve the most beautiful corner of your home for this planter.
Jar Planters
Instead of throwing away the jars you use and empty in your home, you can plant plants and flowers in them and use them as planter. You can grow parsley, green onion, basil, rosemary, thyme and many different herbs you want in the kitchen.
Aquarium Planter

Would you think that the aquarium could be used not only for keeping fish but also for growing plants. You can grow plants in an aquarium, as in this example.
Now that our pots are ready, all you have to do is find a nice table to place it on. We wanted to help you in this regard and we added the link of Bambi Coffee Table, which we are sure will suit your flower pots, below!